There is just something special about Cuba and Havana. Walking down the streets you immediately feel the former glory of this city. You will be greeted by the friendly locals and beautiful music will fill your ears. Yes, Havana is a wonderful city and is worth a visit. Go now, before they open up this country even more. I hope I will be able to experience the country again with my DSLR (because my old one was stolen just before I went to Cuba)


The streets of Havana from above (From the Camera Obscura Tower in Viejo Plaza)


The post office in Havana


A beautiful church


From the Camera Obscura Tower in Viejo Plaza


You will be able to find cool street art like this


This is how some Cubans go grocery shopping. They hoist down a small lift to a kid and the kid will then fill up the bag and they will get their money – I love it!


The view from my hotel (you have to have at least two nights booked at a governmental owned hotel to get your visa)


Most people don’t own a phone, so there is a lot of payphones in Cuba and you will actually see people in line for using them – Yes, Cuba is a throwback in time!


Probably the only shop which sells souvenirs in Havana…


The menu is rarely full in Havana!


The Cubans are beautiful! Here is two kids staying in the shade during a hot day. A lot of Cubans work within tourism e.g. as a taxi driver (like this or in their own car). It can actually be more beneficial for them to work as a taxi compared to working as a doctor! A lot of doctors try to get work abroad in order to make more money.

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